Enlaces Institucionales
Portal de educación Directorio de Centros Recursos Educativos Calendario InfoEduc@
Certificacion CoDice TIC Nivel 4
Dep. de Inglés » Sedano (April 2015)
Dep. de Inglés
Sedano (April 2015)

From 20th to 24th April, the students of first year ESO went to Sedano, a bilingual campsite and workshop. Two wonderful teachers came wiht us, Ester and Alicia, The hostel was in the Sedano Valley, a beautiful and fun place. There, we met four nice leaders. We spent our stay playing games and games...all time speaking English!! One day, we hiked to Covanera where we visited the "Pozo Azul". They were so perfect and unforgettable days and we learned to get along together and enjoy studying English. We want to go again!!!

Eveline Costea- 1ESOA


Enlaces Institucionales
Portal de educación Directorio de Centros Recursos Educativos Calendario InfoEduc@
Certificacion CoDice TIC Nivel 4